
Boxing Gym Story
Boxing Gym Story
Hypercasual Simulation
Total 2547

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Additional Information

  • Platform:

    Android IOS
  • File Size:

    76.6 MB
  • Current Version:

  • Updated Time:

    Oct 31, 2022
  • Developer:

  • Content Rating:





Boxing Gym Story is a simulation game that allows players to run their own boxing gym. In the game, the player takes on the role of the gym owner and manager, responsible for training boxers and preparing them for fights. The goal of the game is to create a successful gym that is known for producing champion boxers. At the beginning of the game, players will be given a small boxing gym with a limited budget. They can hire trainers and boxers to work in the gym, as well as purchase equipment such as punching bags, weights and cardio equipment. As the gym grows, players can expand their facility, hire more staff, and recruit better boxers. The core of the game revolves around training boxers to improve their skills and win fights. Boxers have four main stats that can be improved through training: strength, speed, defense, and stamina. Players must develop a training plan for each boxer, balancing strength training, cardio, and rest to improve their form and avoid injury. In addition to training, players must manage the morale and motivation of their boxers. Overworked or unhappy fighters may refuse to train or perform poorly in a fight. Players must keep their fighters happy by providing adequate rest, paying them well, and giving them the opportunity to demonstrate their skills in competition.

Once the fighters are ready, players can schedule matches against other gyms. Matches are played in real time and players can see their boxers fight against their opponents. Players can give their boxers instructions during the match, such as telling them to focus on defense or to go for a knockout. The outcome of the match is determined by a combination of the boxer's skill and the player's strategy. As players win matches and gain experience, they can level up their gym and unlock new features. These features include advanced training equipment, better trainers, and the ability to recruit elite boxers. Players can also earn money by winning tournaments and sponsorships, which can be used to upgrade their facilities and attract more talented boxers. The game also includes various random events that can affect the player's gym. These events include injuries to boxers, attempts by rival gyms to poach trainers or boxers, and media scandals that could damage the gym's reputation. The player must manage these events and make decisions that could affect the outcome of the game.



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