
Roleplaying Simulation
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Additional Information

  • Platform:

    Android IOS
  • File Size:

    282 MB
  • Current Version:

  • Updated Time:

    Jul 9, 2023
  • Developer:

    Bandai Namco Entertainment Inc.
  • Content Rating:





DRAGON BALL LEGENDS is an exhilarating mobile fighting game that brings the iconic Dragon Ball universe to life in the palm of your hand. The gameplay in DRAGON BALL LEGENDS is fast-paced and action-packed, placing players in one-on-one battles against opponents from around the world in real-time. The controls are intuitive, allowing players to unleash devastating combos, powerful special moves, and iconic Super Attacks with just a few taps and swipes on their screens. The mechanics are accessible to both casual players and seasoned fighting game enthusiasts, offering a satisfying experience for all.

At the heart of the game are its diverse and expansive roster of characters. Fans of the Dragon Ball series will be delighted to find their favorite characters such as Goku, Vegeta, Piccolo, Gohan, Frieza, and many more, each with their unique playstyles and signature moves. As players progress, they can unlock and collect an ever-growing roster of characters, forming their dream team to take on various challenges.DRAGON BALL LEGENDS features an engaging single-player story mode, where players embark on a thrilling adventure that follows an original storyline within the Dragon Ball universe. As they traverse through the rich narrative, players will encounter iconic villains and heroes, complete quests, and uncover the secrets behind the mysterious Chrono Crystals.

Additionally, the game offers a robust player versus player (PvP) mode that brings the competitive spirit to the forefront. Players can put their carefully crafted teams to the test against other real players worldwide, engaging in intense and adrenaline-fueled battles for supremacy. Climbing the ranks and achieving victory in the PvP arena becomes a badge of honor for skilled players, as they prove their prowess and strategy.

To further deepen the gameplay experience, DRAGON BALL LEGENDS introduces a unique card-based system. Players construct decks of character cards, each representing a specific character's abilities. These cards are used during battles to perform various attacks and defense maneuvers. Strategic thinking and smart card management are essential to emerging victorious in challenging battles.One of the most appealing aspects of DRAGON BALL LEGENDS is its stunning graphics and animations, which faithfully recreate the iconic scenes and epic battles from the Dragon Ball series. The characters are beautifully rendered in 3D, and their special moves are brought to life with spectacular visual effects, immersing players into the world of Dragon Ball like never before.

Furthermore, the game regularly introduces events, challenges, and limited-time missions, providing a constant stream of new content for players to enjoy. Whether it's the chance to earn rare rewards or unlock exclusive characters, the game continually offers exciting incentives for players to return and continue their journey.



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